fight out В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за fight out в английски»италиански речника

1. fight:

to go down fighting прен

I.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] НРЧ Out is used after many verbs in English to alter or reinforce the meaning of the verb (hold out, wipe out, filter out etc.). Very often in Italian, a verb alone will be used to translate those combinations; for translations you should consult the appropriate verb entry (hold , wipe, filter etc.). - When out is used as an adverb meaning outside, it often adds little to the sense of the phrase: they're out in the garden = they're in the garden; in such cases out will not usually be translated: sono in giardino. - Out is used as an adverb to mean absent or not at home. In this case she's out really means she's gone out and the Italian translation is: è uscita. - For the phrase out of, see II1 in this entry. - For examples of the above and other uses, see this entry.

I want out! разг
I'm out of here разг
go on, out with it! разг
to be on the outs with sb Am разг
to be out of it разг

fight out в PONS речника

Преводи за fight out в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

It's tough getting whacked on the back of the neck all the time and trying to fight out of it.
These are firms at the cutting edge and are needed if we are to fight out of recession.
Also, humans do not always exhibit emotions using the same behaviors; humans may withdraw when angry, or fight out of fear.
But there is no easy fight out there.
It really is a cat fight out there and of course contacts have always helped.
Strange beasts encounter mysterious winged women, good and evil fight out their eternal conflict.
The actors worked the fight out between themselves beforehand.
I'm glad enough to get the first fight out of the road, it gives me a bit of a lift in confidence.
The young side had been kept together and continued to improve and fight out results against the top teams in the competition.
The best hope for gold bulls would be a weak non-farm payrolls reading tomorrow that takes some of the fight out of the greenback.

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