PONS Online Dictionary API
If you would like to integrate a dictionary into your website or application, PONS has an ideal solution: PONS provides over 12 million headwords and phrases in 13 different languages and in more than 34 different language combinations. You and your company or product can benefit from the established PONS brand and 35 years of experience in creating dictionaries.
We offer you an easy way to profit from our know-how and our bilingual data
An interface allows us to integrate the complete dictionary search engine, including search results, into your website or application. Users receive search results directly via your website through the PONS search engine from our comprehensive dictionary databases. The results are presented via our PONS Online Dictionary (POD) API in the look and feel of your website. PONS will help you with integrating and adjusting the search engine to your individual needs. The POD API may contain one, several or all dictionaries by www.pons.com.

Getting started is easy
- Already registered on PONS.com? Within your account you just need to fill out the API registration form
- Confirm that you agree to our Terms and Conditions
- Use our documentation for an easy implementation of the PONS Online Dictionary API
- The results are presented via our PONS Online Dictionary (POD) API in the look and feel of your website
- The POD-API is provided to you directly with a free quota of 1000 reference queries per month
How you can benefit from PONS
Whether it's an app, platform, intranet or your website: We offer a customised solution for anyone who wants to use our dictionary in their product. Simply contact us and we will make you an offer for your usage scenario.