mind В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за mind в английски»италиански речника

1. mind (centre of thought, feelings):

a healthy mind
peace of mind
it's all in the mind
to cross sb's mind

4. mind (opinion):

to be of one mind
to my mind разг
to speak one's mind

5. mind (attention):


1. mind (pay attention to):

mind hazard
mind your head, the step
don't mind them!
carry on, don't mind me ирон
mind how you go Brit
it's a secret, mind разг
mind you разг it won't be easy

2. mind (object to):

I don't mind having a try
“do you mind if I bring him?” - “no, I don't mind”
I don't mind who comes
“like a cigarette?” - “don't mind if I do” разг
if you don't mind
se non le spiace also ирон

3. mind (care):

do you mind! ирон
never you mind! разг (don't worry)
if you've a mind to
I gave him a piece of my mind! разг
to have a good mind or half a mind to do Brit
to have a mind of one's own
to have no mind to do
mind your own business! разг

mind-blowing [Brit ˈmʌɪndbləʊɪŋ, Am ˈmaɪnd ˈˌbloʊɪŋ] ПРИЛ разг

mind в PONS речника

Преводи за mind в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Индивидуални преводни двойки
nimble mind

Преводи за mind в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

mind Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

to give sb a piece of one's mind разг
that took a load off my mind!
cantarne quattro a qu разг
I've half a mind to come to
to have half a mind to

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The phrase is usually a humorous way of saying that one was not sitting idly, but engaged constructively in contemplation or letting one's mind wander.
Season carefully with some salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, keeping in mind that the rashers are salty.
The building is a substantial brick masonry structure built with community pride and permanency in mind, and which incorporates the standard designs advocated by early twentieth century educational reformers.
Divorces were frowned upon, no matter what the provocation, and a man who was sued at law, particularly upon his promissory note, was almost disgraced in the public mind.
However, it has an unforeseen after-effect and reverts his mind to a childlike state.
When it is not known in advance that the sequence of points defines a simple polygon, the following things must be kept in mind.
However, it is likely that he was of unsound mind, and had neither the inclination nor capacity to carry out his threat.
I was very proud that one of my coworkers had the presence of mind to think of that!
Mind you, it does start with those stabby synths, an introduction that dramatic has to be an attention-grabber.
His eye was certain, his hand fatal, his presence of mind complete.

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