hard labour В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за hard labour в английски»италиански речника

2. labour:

operai mpl

Вижте също: labour

2. labour:

operai mpl

1. hard:

2. hard:

3. hard (harsh, unpleasant):

hard blow, knock прен
hard luck or lines! Brit (sympathetic) разг
hard luck or lines or cheese! Brit (unsympathetic) разг
it's a hard life! шег, ирон

1. hard (strongly, energetically):

to hit sb, sth hard прен
to be hard hit прен
to be hard at it разг, at work

hard labour в PONS речника

Преводи за hard labour в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

Their clergy were tried and sentenced to hard labour periodically.
For resisting a tenant's eviction in 1888 he was imprisoned to three months hard labour.
Wilful neglect of safety provisions became punishable in the case of employers as well as miners by imprisonment with hard labour.
In 1888, following a strong and conceivably intimidatory speech, he received five weeks' imprisonment with hard labour.
Court cases ensued against around two dozen locals, some of who ended up serving hard labour in prison for up to six months.
He was sentenced to life in prison and ten years of hard labour.
They are depicted as being unaccustomed to hard labour and as a result, tire very easily and complain when working.
Many attribute this movement of the youths to the manual and hard labour that is required of them to work on farms.
After 2-1/2 months of hard labour, they could net as little as $16.
The kinos aesthetic shined through in his portrayal of electrification, industrialization, and the achievements of workers through hard labour.

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