forget-me-not blue В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за forget-me-not blue в английски»италиански речника

Вижте също: myalgic encephalomyelitis, Middle English, medical examiner, Maine

2. not (replacing word, clause, sentence etc.):

10. not → 11

me1 [Brit miː, Am mi] PRON When used as a direct or indirect object pronoun, me is translated by mi, which normally comes before the verb: she knows me = lei mi conosce; he loves me = lui mi ama; they told me the truth = mi hanno detto la verità. - When used in emphasis, however, me is translated by me, which comes after the verb: he loves me, not Jane = lui ama me, non Jane. Italian me is also used when another pronoun is present as well: compare he wrote to me = mi ha scritto and he wrote that to me = me lo ha scritto lui (or: me l'ha scritto lui). - Note that in compound tenses like the present perfect and the past perfect, the past participle of the verb agrees with the direct object pronoun: he's seen me (male speaker) = lui mi ha visto; he's seen me (female speaker) = lui mi ha vista. - In imperatives the translation for both the direct and the indirect object pronoun is; mi and is joined to the verb to form a single word: kiss me! = baciami! write to me soon! = scrivimi presto! When two pronouns are joined to the verb in Italian, mi is replaced by me : send it to me at once! = mandamelo subito! tell me! dimmelo! - After prepositions, the translation is me : she did it for me = l'ha fatto per me. - Remember that a verb followed by a particle or a preposition in English may correspond to a verb followed by a direct object in Italian, and vice versa, e.g. to look at somebody vs guardare qualcuno and to distrust somebody vs dubitare di qualcuno: look at me! = guardami! they distrust me = dubitano di me. - When me is used after as or than in comparative clauses, it is translated by me : my sister is as pretty as me = mia sorella è carina come me; she's younger than me = è più giovane di me. - After the verb to be, io (and not me/ mi) is used in Italian: it's me = sono io. Likewise, io is used to translate me when the latter is employed in spoken English with and and or in a phrase that is the subject of a clause: John and me are going to the party = John e io andiamo alla festa. - For particular expressions see this entry.

1. forget (not remember):

to beat sb black and blue разг

forget-me-not blue в PONS речника

Преводи за forget-me-not blue в английски»италиански речника

o no
not onlybut also

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

She looked an improbable war correspondent, barely five feet tall with large thick spectacles and dressed in a safari suit of forget-me-not blue.
The rooms are painted in vanilla and pistachio or forget-me-not blue, with white linen and thick curtains to keep drafts out.
She is very tall, with forget-me-not blue eyes.

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