a fortiori В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за a fortiori в английски»италиански речника

Преводи за a fortiori в английски»италиански речника

a2 <davanti a vocale o “h” muta an [ən, æn]> [Brit ə, eɪ, Am eɪ, ə] ART art indef

Вижте също: account

2. account:

to settle accounts прен

a fortiori в PONS речника

Преводи за a fortiori в английски»италиански речника

Вижте също: air conditioning, account

Вижте също: answer

a [ə, stressed: eɪ] indef art before consonant, an [ən, stressed: æn] before vowel

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

A fortiori, the same is true if the equation has rational coefficients.
A fortiori, the dimension of more general function spaces, such as the space of functions on some (bounded or unbounded) interval, is infinite.
A fortiori force is used when the door is latched and you turn the handle from the outside and then ease the door open.
A fortiori the law does not bind when the safe opinion is more probable than the less safe opinion.
The implications for other trade union leaders are of a bleak and a fortiori sort.
A fortiori the question of a waiver does not arise.
Tolls, however, can be charged if the traffic moves as it should move, if and only if, a fortiori, and only then.
No one is under any obligation to buy nor a fortiori to buy at any particular price.
A fortiori, every module also admits projective and flat resolutions.

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