school report В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за school report в английски»италиански речника

Преводи за school report в английски»италиански речника

1. school:

school report в PONS речника

Преводи за school report в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

On an early school report, his music teacher said that he had no ear for music and that his exam result of 13% reflected this.
The boys were carrying plastic bags with birth certificates, school report cards, family photographs and a letter.
She had been allowed to play out late on her bike after getting a glowing school report.
A high school report card gives a glimpse of her dedication.
A school report says those areas are currently contained.
A bungling teacher has been ridiculed for sending a parent a school report littered with 16 spelling errors and punctuation mistakes.
This is the sort of comment that may be just about acceptable in a school report.
He did not distinguish himself academically, and an early school report describes his performance as only fair.
By comparison, the school report of today is a pitiful, neutered thing.
For every statistic that jumps out of the school report cards as an extreme, there probably is a district official who can provide an explanation for it.

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