smart money В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за smart money в английски»италиански речника

2. money (funds):

soldi mpl

2. smart разг:

he's a smart kid разг

smart money в PONS речника

Преводи за smart money в английски»италиански речника


money talks посл

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

It is said that the two indicators assume that smart money is traded on quiet days (low volume) and that the crowd trades on very active days.
It's unclear if this is the work of camera-side software or hardware stabilization, but the smart money is on a combination of both.
As for the sweating contest between the couch potato and the gym rat, the most accurate answer is "it depends," but the smart money is on the gym rat.
From our experience, we believe it pays at times to simply follow the smart money trade, especially when it's just getting started.
So where's the market and smart money going?
Investing in liquid concealer is where the smart money is at.
None are infallible, of course, but this is where a lot of the smart money is.
Gold remains the preserve of the smart money, many of whom predicted the current financial and economic travails.
When the revenue inevitably gets shared, this becomes an internal campus debate and the smart money is on the guys with the adoring publics.
The smart money will go on those prepared to get out of bed early.

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