mine workings В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за mine workings в английски»италиански речника

1. working (professional):

mine PRON In Italian, possessive pronouns have the same forms as the corresponding adjectives, are usually preceded by an article, and reflect the gender and number of the noun they are standing for. So mine is translated by il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie, according to what is being referred to: your book and mine = il tuo libro e il mio; the blue car is mine = la macchina blu è la mia; his children are younger than mine = i suoi bambini sono più giovani dei miei; your shoes are brown, while mine are black = le tue scarpe sono marroni, mentre le mie sono nere.- Since Italian possessive adjectives, unlike English ones, may be preceded by an article, a demonstrative adjective or a numeral, an English possessive pronoun is often translated by an Italian possessive adjective: a cousin of mine = un mio cugino; that school friend of mine = quel mio compagno di scuola; four books of mine = quattro miei libri. - For examples and particular usages, see this entry.:

mine's a whisky разг
non è mio
that brother of mine прин

mine workings в PONS речника

Преводи за mine workings в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The area was affected by mine workings but has now returned to a more natural state and lizards and dragonflies may be observed.
Close to the village are now-unworked deep coal mine workings.
It also occurs in dry caves and old mine workings as an efflorescence and as a crusty sublimate deposit around fumaroles.
These habitats may be semi-natural on naturally exposed deposits, or the result of mining, or from erosion by rivers, sometimes including washed-out mine workings.
The fire the spread quickly, fanned by the strong ventilation and ignited timber supports, sending dense clouds of smoke and fumes into the mine workings.

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