licensing hours В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за licensing hours в английски»италиански речника

1. hour (60 minutes):

ora f

license → licence

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licensing hours в PONS речника

Преводи за licensing hours в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

Until its following became such as to require intensive policing, elaborate traffic diversions and special licensing hours, the balance might be said to have been positive.
Many of the surviving establishments still have exceptional licensing hours, granted to them when market life was different.
We need to note our concerns about the activities taking place outside the premises, but we need to leave it to the licensing committee to decide on the licensing hours.
The relaxation of licensing hours has caused a rise in binge drinking leading to health problems, according to new research.
Simply control price, only allow alcohol sales in pubs, clubs, and off-licenses, rather than in shops and supermarkets, and reintroduce licensing hours.
Clubs have also faced increasing competition from late night bars which allow free entry as licensing hours have changed, according to analysts.
It is too easy to blame individuals, and say responsible individuals will suffer if there are restrictions around availability and licensing hours.

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