extreme unction В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за extreme unction в английски»италиански речника

II.extreme [Brit ɪkˈstriːm, ɛkˈstriːm, Am ɪkˈstrim] СЪЩ (all contexts)

extreme unction в PONS речника

Преводи за extreme unction в италиански»английски речника

Преводи за extreme unction в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The same is done during the sacrament for the sick, which was called extreme unction.
Apparently everybody cooks in that family, and they reserve extreme unction for the curing of meat.
The oil marks of extreme unction graced my grandmother's forehead and hands.
The north ambulatory also holds the holy oils (chrism) used during the sacraments of baptism and extreme unction, confirmation, and at the ordination of priests.
Marriage then joined all the others: baptism, confession, the eucharist, confession, extreme unction (when about to die), and holy orders or priesthood.
Extreme unction is to be administered to a child of seven years or younger, who is capable of sin.
She predicted the date of her own death and died after receiving extreme unction.
He then threw the articles of extreme unction to the other priest seated at the table, and called the police and confessed.
We forbid abbots and monks to impose public penances, to visit the sick, to administer extreme unction, and to sing public masses.
This is not to be confused with extreme unction (last rites), since healing is prayed for and expected.

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