leaf mould В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за leaf mould в английски»италиански речника

leaf → leaf through

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Преводи за leaf mould в английски»италиански речника

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Instead of chucking those fallen leaves away, why not let them rot down to nutrient-rich leaf mould - the best food your plants can get.
But patience, after all, is what making leaf mould is all about.
Another secret of good leaf mould is to make sure the gathered leaves are thoroughly wet, as fungi need moisture to operate.
Use a loam-based compost mixed with grit (two parts compost to one part grit) adding some well-rotted leaf mould if you have it.
About 500 species in four families are found worldwide, living in soil and leaf mould.
Leaf mould is what's left when the dead, fallen leaves from deciduous trees and shrubs are heaped up and allowed to rot down.
Small divisions can be potted in a mix of compost and leaf mould; larger pieces can be replanted into the ground.
So, dig in plenty of well-rotted farmyard manure, garden compost and leaf mould.
They need moist surroundings and thus they live buried under leaf mould and logs.
I use well-rotted leaf mould as a component in our home-made potting compost.

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