lottery В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за lottery в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Преводи за lottery в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

Индивидуални преводни двойки
lottery also прен
to have a go at the lottery, to take part in a lottery
to win in the lottery
instant lottery
lottery based on the lotto
lottery card
National lottery
National Lottery Game retailer Brit
playslip, lottery ticket
to have a big win in the lottery

lottery в PONS речника

Преводи за lottery в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Преводи за lottery в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

lottery Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

Processes are each assigned some number of lottery tickets, and the scheduler draws a random ticket to select the next process.
The minimum age to purchase lottery products is 18.
A quota (numerus fixus) applies to admission to certain programmes, primarily in the medical sciences, and places are allocated using a weighted lottery.
Registration for the event is through a lottery system.
The drafting order was now set partially by a lottery system whereby teams would not be guaranteed first pick if they finished last.
An example is where you purchase goods or services and then given the chance to enter into the lottery and possibly win a prize.
It also sold front row tickets for $25 each based on a lottery a few hours before each performance.
Juniors and seniors may choose between entering this lottery or moving into nearby apartments or row-houses.
Every child is able to enter the lottery, no matter how he or she performed in primary school.
Most of its programming is lottery and quiz games, in which the viewer can participate over the phone.

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Изпратете ни нов запис.

Преглеждане на речниците


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