messages В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за messages в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

on-message [Brit ɒnˈmɛsɪdʒ, Am ˌɑnˈmɛsɪdʒ] ПРИЛ Brit ПОЛИТ

off-message [Brit ɒfˈmɛsɪdʒ, Am ˌɔfˈmɛsɪdʒ] ПРИЛ Brit ПОЛИТ

Преводи за messages в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

messages в PONS речника

Преводи за messages в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Индивидуални преводни двойки

Преводи за messages в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

messages Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

error message ИНФОРМ
to send mixed messages

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

That's because of the way our values, or worldviews, filter our receptiveness to messages.
This is most commonly seen in email messages and Usenet posts, while it is almost never seen in blog posts.
No web browser or means of sending text messages was included in the firmware.
Messages sent by radio were also printed out by a teleprinter, providing a record of the communication.
Examples include email and bulletin board systems, where participants send or post messages at different times.
When we wear shapewear, we buy into messages that equate women's power and abilities to the size and shape of their silhouettes.
Port 0 is reserved, but is a permissible source port value if the sending process does not expect messages in response.
Chat messages sent by text message are also scrolled at the right side of the screen.
Some magazines' advertisements included hypermasculine messages a whopping 90 percent of the time.
For a while, the mbox format was popular because text processing tools can be readily used on the plain text files used to store the e-mail messages.

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