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Преводи за ineptitude в английски » немски речника

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in·ep·ti·tude [ɪˈneptɪtju:d, Am ˌɪnˈeptɪtu:d, ɪˈn-, -tju:d] СЪЩ

Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

political ineptitude
social ineptitude
sb's ineptitude in doing sth

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

If a team has only one point left, they can not have the last point scored through their own ineptitude.
The story of both films involves a married couple moving into a new home and enduring the ineptitude of removal men.
However, his ineptitude in business caused the company to fall into bankruptcy.
Horrified, she explains how lucky they are not to be behind bars due to their ineptitude and lack of criminal professionalism.
Despite his apparent ineptitude, her teaching turned him into a technical expert.
I can not believe such ineptitude, he raved.
The story especially underlines the senselessness of war and ineptitude of the commanding officer.
The only exception to this ineptitude is when working on cars, at which he excels.
Rex, however, adores seeing the girl from the streets suffer, and takes the opportunity to use her ineptitude.
Impossibility through ineptitude is where the defendant attempts to commit a crime with inadequate means, in which case he can be found guilty.

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