clogging В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за clogging в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Преводи за clogging в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

Индивидуални преводни двойки
clogging (up)
clogging (up)

clogging в PONS речника

Преводи за clogging в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Преводи за clogging в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

Critics charge that this bill makes it far more difficult to bring class action suits, and may prolong such litigation, clogging the federal courts' dockets.
However, if the strainer is not smooth enough, hair and other objects can still get stuck in it, clogging the drain.
I found it to be non-clogging, and it didn't cause any break outs.
We are going to have anginal patients calling ambulances unnecessarily, clogging up emergency departments unnecessarily, if this generic medication is not used properly.
Throngs of listeners responded, clogging local traffic for hours.
But they're probably better off with (comparably) fewer consumers spending large, than a huge player-base of cheapskates clogging their servers.
So far, the so-called microjetreactor is free of clogging by precipitating products.
The restricting minimum diameter of the system should prevent the interface valves and the vacuum sewers from clogging.
The floating particles increase the turbidity, or cloudiness, of the water, clogging filter-feeding apparatuses used by benthic organisms.
Charitable assistance began pouring into the earthquake zone in traffic-clogging droves yesterday.

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