rifle В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за rifle в английски»италиански речника

rifle в PONS речника

Преводи за rifle в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Индивидуални преводни двойки
jam rifle
crack of a rifle

Преводи за rifle в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

rifle Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

to rifle through sth

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

In action one man of each section, was nominated as a horse holder reducing the regiment's rifle strength by a quarter.
A pressure gauge is now present on the underneath of the stock, which enables the user to see how much charge is in the rifle.
These embrasures were covered by automatic rifle ports firing across their fronts.
A further automatic rifle position defended the casemate's entrance.
Single story wooden barracks were built for the enlisted men of the dragoons, infantry, artillery and rifle-corps.
A projecting caponier defended the entrance with automatic rifle fire, with an additional firing port to the north.
The youngster had fought bravely alongside his elders, firing a rifle that was almost as long as he was tall....
He also said that he did not own a rifle.
A portion of the tunnel is still used by a local rifle club.
Often, the honor squad will contain rifle or saber carriers, or carriers of sponsors/posts' flags.

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