bin liner В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за bin liner в английски»италиански речника

bin liner в PONS речника

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I remember one linesman not knowing about it, though, and coming back with a black bin liner full of stuff.
Pack a bin liner full of leaves in the autumn and put a couple of holes in the liner.
The 55-year-old was on the phone in his kitchen when he saw what he thought was a black bin liner stuck in a tree beyond his back garden.
A huge clear bin liner a few benches away is filled with twisted, knotted lumps of base amphetamine, gnarled like melted cinder toffee.
When night fell the two wrapped him in bin liners and beth buried him under the patio.
I just had a black bin liner of clothes left to my name after 43 years of my life.
One morning she found the 3ft (0.9m) by 2ft (0.6m) painting wrapped in a bin liner and left against her porch.
I remember seeing him pick up the dog, throwing it into a black bin liner then throwing it into the boot of his car.
The boy pays no attention as he is busy tending to his luggage: a squirming bin liner housing three unhappy chickens.
He said the problem is there is no standard compostable bin liner.

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