wholegrain В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за wholegrain в английски»италиански речника

wholegrain в PONS речника

wholegrain Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

wholegrain bread
wholegrain food products

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

One of the simplest swaps you can make is switching white carbs (bread, potatoes, pasta and rice) for the wholegrain kind, and sweet potatoes.
Just opt for those high in wholegrain or high fibre, or vegetable-based sources, such as potato.
They also use 100% wholegrain in their products.
Cook for a further ten minutes until the pumpkin cubes are soft, season and serve with wholegrain rice for a healthy, tasty meal.
There are benefits to brown and wholegrain foods such as fibre, but the important message is don't eat excess amounts of carbohydrate.
These foods are suggested to be "healthy" by virtue of their wholegrain content.
Good examples are oats, wholewheat/wholegrain bread and wholewheat pasta.
I knew the company was using superfine milling machinery to process wholegrain flour so wholemeal biscuits didn't feel rough in the mouth.
Use any local white fish fillet you fancy and serve with soft white yam, brown rice or wholegrain pasta and a side of green vegetables.
Instead, grab something savoury like a ready-made sandwich or wrap made with wholegrain bread.

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