registrable В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за registrable в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

A trademark may be eligible for registration, or registrable, if it performs the essential trademark function, and has distinctive character.
It is deep-seated in legislation and common law, that if a product is a fundamental form or shape of a product, then the product can not be registrable.
In the event that a practical and cost effective solution is devised, eliminating the impediment to graphical representation, olfactory marks shall be registrable, obviously along with distinctiveness.
The spokesman said registration of the marriages did not attract a further fee, in keeping with all other registrable events.
The specific grounds of opposition alleged that the applied-for marks were not registrable, not distinctive and that the applicant was not the person entitled to registration.
The mark may only be inherently registrable if the consumer has never encountered the mark before.
If the word makes some "covert and skilful allusion" to the goods, it is likely registrable as a trade mark.
Works produced by mechanical processes or random selection without any contribution by a human author are not registrable.
A disclaimer is typically considered to be an admission by the trademark applicant that the disclaimed term is not independently registrable.
Shape marks will only be registrable if the shape in itself acts as an indication of source.

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