beekeeper's В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

beekeeper's в PONS речника

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Преводи за beekeeper's в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

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Commercial beekeepers plan their movements and their wintering locations with prime reference to the pollination services they plan to perform.
There are many methods of control that beekeepers have adopted to ensure that these moths do not ruin the combs.
Although the island is uninhabited, it is frequently used by shepherds for pasture and by local beekeepers who keep apiaries on the island.
The smoke creates an opportunity for the beekeeper to open the beehive and work while the colony's defensive response is interrupted.
These enclosures are still used today by beekeepers to harvest comb honey.
The term describes all the intervention techniques a beekeeper may perform to ensure hive survival and to maximize hive production.
Much of the pollination is managed by pollination brokers, who contract with migratory beekeepers from at least 49 states for the event.
Most commercial beekeepers are migratory, taking their hives to southern states for the winter.
To produce monofloral honey, beekeepers keep beehives in an area where the bees have access to only one type of flower.
There are reports of some beekeepers losing almost a third of their hives and others losing none.

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