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Преводи за female suffrage в английски » немски речника

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fe·male ˈsuf·frage СЪЩ no pl

Примери от PONS речника (редакционно проверени)

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The newspaper was an early advocate of female suffrage.
Among the eight losing proposed amendments were female suffrage, the use of voting machines, the regulation of outdoor advertising and abolition of the death penalty.
It developed as a forum where rising suffragists discussed women's rights organized their campaign for female suffrage, education and property holding.
She then practiced private law, and became active in various feminist movements, although she opposed the more radical forms of feminism - her focus was on instituting female suffrage.
In 2009, promised new elections and hopes for female suffrage in them were postponed for at least two years.
Yet after 1918, and the arrival of universal male and partial female suffrage, all this availed him nothing.
After almost a century of female suffrage, however, the choice between living on a dwindling pittance of benefits and peddling one's pert behind is perhaps not a choice to celebrate.
He fought strictly against female suffrage.
Oddly for one of such independence of mind and strongly held and usually liberal opinions, she was firmly opposed to female suffrage.
It introduced female suffrage, civil marriage and divorce.

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