nuthatch В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за nuthatch в английски»италиански речника (Отидете на италиански»английски)

Преводи за nuthatch в италиански»английски речника (Отидете на английски»италиански)

nuthatch в PONS речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

This bird feeds on insects and spiders, and unlike other warblers, forages like a nuthatch, moving up and down tree trunks and along branches.
Other species known to prey on this nuthatch include the northern goshawk, hobby, tawny owl, pygmy owl and least weasel.
Breeding birds include tawny owls, nuthatches, tree creepers and stock doves.
The currently recognised nuthatch species are tabulated below.
Some taxonomists place the nuthatches and treecreepers in a larger grouping with the wrens and gnatcatchers.
It has the ability, like other nuthatches, to climb down trees, unlike species such as woodpeckers which can only go upwards.
The estimated average lifespan of this nuthatch is two years, but the record is twelve years and nine months.
In the brown-headed nuthatch, the total length is 9-11cm in, wingspan is 16-18cm in and body mass is 10-12g oz.
Other notable residents include the red-breasted nuthatch, pine grosbeak, red crossbill, and boreal chickadee.
Most species migrate to warmer regions in winter, although jays, ravens, nuthatches, eagles, and owls stay.

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