liberalized В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

liberalized в PONS речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The government created an ambitious development plan aimed at liberalizing and boosting the economy overnight.
Economic changes were enacted, such as voucher schools, liberalized markets for telecommunications and energy as well as the privatization of publicly owned companies.
Various economic controls were removed and the market was gradually liberalized throughout the 1980s and the 1990s.
The treaty aims to liberalize each other markets to parties of the agreement and directly encourage trade between the two countries.
New markets opened up and trade was liberalized.
The agreement aims at liberalizing the worldwide trade of services such as banking and transport.
Countries can freely decide where to liberalize on a sector-by-sector basis, including which specific mode of supply they want to cover for a given sector.
The agreement fell short in liberalizing movement of people across the three countries.
For example, a subsistence economy may be transformed into a manufacturing economy, or a regulated mixed economy is liberalized.
Additionally, unit labour costs have fallen since 2009, working practices are liberalizing, and industrial licensing is being streamlined.

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