quango В речника Oxford-Paravia италиански

Преводи за quango в английски»италиански речника

едноезични примери (не са проверени от PONS редакцията)

The question then comes down to how a quango occupies some sort of grey metaphysical zone between autonomy and non-autonomy.
The quango managers are the ones who need looking at.
Her role is also in question because of the way she has used the quango's powers over rules governing charities to attack independent schools.
This announcement amounts to an unaccountable quango putting up two fingers to taxpayers.
Lest anyone be alarmed, there is no need to create a new super quango.
The moves would affect all 434,000 civil servants who work for government departments, including quango staff.
And will the hated adviser levy simply be replaced with another charge for a different guidance quango?
Instead of a toothless quango whose findings are meaningless, we need a new charter to ensure the sick and the vulnerable are well treated.
They're quango people - different and inferior to the rest of us in every way possible.
Despite the good works, there is something wrong with this quango model.

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